“Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub;
It is on the hole in the center that the use of the cart hinges. ”
Deepening Contemplative Awareness
Are you seeking space for silence in a noisy and busy world?
Do you seek to make time for centering the soul?
Is your 15 minute meditation cell phone app not cutting it?
Do you seek to be a calming presence in the world?
Are you aware of something deeper?
Try Contemplation
Contemplative awareness or spirituality is an ancient practice dating back at least 4500 years. It it a way of engaging the larger self, the imaginative self, the irrational self. It is a practice that stands in contrast to the ways of striving, external gratification, impatience, clutter, noise, ego...
Thich Nhat Hanh says that the world can be like a busy & hectic boat. In a hectic boat it is hard to get anything done. Yet when even one person can remain calm in the midst of all the running around, it has a way of calming the whole boat. It is the same way in one’s community, in the larger world. One seeks contemplation not for themselves, but rather for the good of the community; to be a source of stillness, centeredness, silence. Just as the Tao Te Ching speaks of the hole in the wheel, its empty space, being the thing that makes it useful, silence, our resting in the presence of the divine (that which is larger than all of us) one’s non-action can be a great gift of usefulness in the world.
I am currently preparing to host a six week seminar engaging in various modes of meditation and prayer that are rooted in, but not limited to christian contemplative awareness and practice.
Group sessions are available in the Rochester NY area!
Contact for more info:
RevMcNamara [at] gmail [dot] com
About the Seminar
During each of the six session we will be engaging in a different mode of meditation. The modes will be determined by interest and experience of those participating, but may include:
Lectio Divina
Icon Meditation
Body Awareness
Centering Prayer
Breathing Awareness
Holy Imagination
Sound Awareness
You may have familiarity with some of these, but not others, if you do join us, the seminar environment gives us the opportunity to learn from each other. I have been facilitating conversations around challenging topics for the last 7 years as a Pastor and another 10 years before that as a Science Teacher and service learning educator. I love to ask questions and ensure space for the diversity of voices that participate seek to participate. I particularly enjoy facilitating conversations around spirituality and meditation.
No prior experience is needed, this seminar is designed for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. I just ask that you come with a sense of curiosity and a willingness to listen to one another.
Also, this seminar is intended for all people curious about the larger self, regardless of religious affiliation or lack of affiliation. Meaning Agnostics, Believers, Skeptics, Atheists, Seekers, everyone with interest in deepening contemplative awareness will be welcomed.